the fun part about selling vintage clothing is expanding my own closet then recycling vintage i won with "new" (to me) stuff i find.
i admit it.. i was born with the clothing obsessed gene. its almost always leaned towards vintage..
i can never have enough and the beauty of vintage is the unique factor.. meaning you probably won't show up at an occasion - or anywhere for that matter - and have on the same thing as another person.
more, more, more is all my brain says... my favorite thing about selling vintage, even though it can be a little painful to let things go at times, is that my closet is a revolving door.. a safe house, if you will, for clothing that someone else no longer wants.
gee.. what a caring person i am? ;-) bringing in unwanted pieces and giving them new hope and life?
oh. that was a bit dramatic.
are you you vintage clothing obsessed?